𝙲𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 〜ミクの海外生活〜

2016年から7年間カナダ在住のミクです! カナダのトロントでは、語学学校、ワーキン









仕事, レディ, 女性, 若い女性, コンピューター, 笑顔, カフェ, 相談, 美しい, 成功, 事業女性



1. パフォーマンスレビュー(業績評価)とは?

2. 準備しておくこと

3. パフォーマンスレビューの流れとスクリプト

   A) 私が用意したお給料交渉のスクリプト

   B) 給料を上げられないと即答で言われた場合の回答スクリプト

   C) 数週間後にお給料を上げてもらえるかの返答を聞いた時の回答スクリプト

4. まとめ



1. パフォーマンスレビュー(業績評価)とは?



2. パフォーマンスレビュー(業績評価)の準備の仕方とは?


学生, タイピング, キーボード, 文章, 女性, 起動, 仕事, 人, オフィス, ストラテジー

  • メモの準備。


  • メモをもとに自分の成果を話せるようにする。


  • 自己評価をし、新しいのく目標を設定する。


  • 質問を考える。



3. パフォーマンスレビューの流れとスクリプトの例

The money writes with white chalk is on hand, draw concept. Free Photo


1. 去年の目標が達成できたかのself-assessmentを行う。

2. 簡易なフィードバックをマネージャー(スーパーバイザー)に年初めにもらう。

3. マネージャーとそれについての詳細を話すミーティングを取り付ける。


4. 準備したことを話す & 今年の目標や去年の仕事のフィードバックをもらう。


5. お給料についての返事を待つ。




A) 交渉のスクリプト


Good morning, XXX, how are you? 

I know you guys are busy so I appreciate both of you for taking time to talk with me today. 

Manager : so, what do you want to talk about? 


So,  I wanted to talk about my performance last year and get some feedback on how I did and how you expect me to grow/improve this year. 

I’d also like to talk about my compensation as well. So If you don’t mind giving me like 5 minutes, I can quickly go through what I am thinking. 


First of all, I've been learning a lot in the team and just wanted to say thank you to both of you for always being supportive to me and closely working with me giving me guidance.

I know I already submitted the self-assessment at the end of last year but let me quickly talk about the contributions that I made last year and also I want to get some feedback on my performance.


1. First of all, when I joined the team last year I had been responsible for managing the accounts for XXX, and, after XXX left for parental leave, I started dealing with more accounts.

I have been always responsive to customers and coworkers and try to do my best to help them whenever they need me. And I was able to manage it all. 


2. For the systems, I quickly learned the systems, ... and I’ve been providing the XXX on time and quickly by using these functions whenever the team asked me to ...


3. For the new tools, I familiarized myself with tools such as XXX and I learned how to explain them to the customers. Also, for XXX, it's still new to all of us but I learned its functions and I have been closely working with XXX team to help to place the bookings smoothly whenever they need it. And I am confident that I can learn quickly whenever new systems/tools come into our team in the future as well. 


As I said I really enjoy working in this team in this company, I am willing to contribute to the team and company even if I sometimes have to work overtime if it's needed. 


I know that I am going to be given a $XXX raise for inflation, but based on my performance that I've mentioned earlier, and the market research I did, I’d be happier and more motivated with a little bit more raise, which is  XXX (specific number) I am thinking. 


But again, I appreciate you both being a great manager and supervisor to me and always being approachable even you are busy and helping me learn and grow, and I really want to continue contributing to the team and the company. 


So if you have ANY feedback on my performance I would like to hear so that I could improve as an inside sales?


B) 給料を上げられないと即答で言われた場合の回答スクリプトの例

I understand the situation financially,but as I mentioned earlier, I love working in the team in this company and based on my contributions and market research i did, I would appreciate it if you could still consider meeting my expectations.


C) 1-2週間後にお給料を上げてもらえるかの返答を聞いた時の回答スクリプト

  • 全くお給料を上げてくれないと言われた場合 or 自分の期待より低い場合

I appreciate that you followed through with my request with upper management, I understand the financial situation but, with all due respect, inflation rate in 2021 is close to 5% and the percentage of the raise I’m offered is kinda lower than that, and, also, based on the contribution and the market research I mentioned in the last meeting, i think it would be appreciated if you can reconsider matching my expectation of $XXX (specific number of your expected salary), so that I can be more motivated and happier working at XXX.


  • 自分の期待通り or 言った金額そのままのお給料を提示してくれた場合

Thank you for following through with my request with upper management. I am glad that my contributions are acknowledged by the company. This made me happier working in the company and more motivated to work. I will continue doing my best to always be helpful for the team and the company. And I would like to grow as XXX at XXX. Thank you again.


4. まとめ





Good luck!





"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."

(気に入らないことがあれば、それを変えなさい。 変えることができなければ、自分が変わりなさい。)


